Saturday, October 29, 2011

1st Marking Period Requirements

1. Blog Obligations due by midnight NOVEMBER 3.
Three Posts on the topics below: one assignment grade

• Fruit: (Pencil still life and/or colored pencil apple)
Discuss the process, your progress and the experience you have had working in pencil and/or colored pencil.

• Self-Portrait Progress:
Discuss the portrait you are currently working on.

• Reflect on the Marking Period:
Think about where you started (in your head and in your skills) and reflect on how you feel you have grown, changed or stayed the same. Think about why you feel the way you feel and what your role in all of it is. Also, think about if you
felt a “shift” – was there a moment when things felt different? If so, describe it.

2. Technology Sketch due at the end of class on NOVEMBER 7.
Quality sketch completed on the paper appropriate for your book: one assignment grade

All other grades for in-class work have already been recorded.

Want to be inspired? Look at these student blogs!
Emily D, Nikki D, Caitlynne C, Helena V, Selena S, Sandra S, Evan T

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fantastic Faces

If you were to ask my students if they feel like they have been staring at and drawing their face for forever, they might say, "Yes!"

But the truth is, it's only been 6 class periods and some are already starting to practice their monochromatic color scheme painting.

Click here to see more faces!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Infusion of Color

This week, the students also used apples as the subject matter for these colored pencil studies. From top to bottom: Tara M (11th), Olivia D (11th), Joey K (12th) and Patti A (11th).

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fruit Drawings

Our drawings came together and took about 5 days to complete from sketching to shading. We knew from the start that the fruit wouldn't last forever, so the students took a picture of their composition with their phone or ipad - and used it like a digital cropping and documenting tool. (I consider this acceptable use of technology, even though students are technically required to have their phones off and away.) After the fruit got moldy and was taken home to my compost pile, the students drew from their pictures as reference.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Week of Respect

Beginning this October, New Jersey is requiring its schools, students and faculty to engage in and acknowledge an annual Week of Respect. In an effort to provide the contemplation that this state-wide initiative is asking of us as citizens, I would like you, my students, to reflect on the concept of respect.

Let’s first consider the reality that many people write, speak and sing about respect (all creative and artistic efforts) - but yet, we as humans do not necessarily honor it in or offer it to each other very graciously.

Please compose a written comment on this post to the following questions:
1. How is your respect for something or someone best communicated: through actions or words?

2. Who deserves to be treated respectfully (everyone or just a few)? Elaborate on your reasons why.

Your comments must be posted by 3pm on Monday October 10.