Sunday, December 8, 2013

Art x 3 = U

All 95 of the Creative Arts students are currently participating in a collaborative art making experience around the theme: celebrity. Art x 3 = U will result in a collaborative work of art that is created by the combined aesthetic decisions and contributions of three different students who are known to each other only as a number.

As a reflective aspect of this assignment, students will comment on ONE of the following questions.

1. How does the media (television, internet, magazines etc...) influence what we do or who we become? 

2. Compare creating art in this collaborative way with how we respond to the media and pop culture in our everyday lives.

3. Is there any value in caring about things or people who don’t know or care about you?

4. Reflect on this collaborative activity and the emotions you experienced through the process. Describe any morals or life lessons that you can take from it.


  1. how dose the midea influence what we do or who we become? it inspires us to be more then we are at the time. see other poeple populer and in fame makes other want to try harder and become better and be awesome.

  2. i think there can be a value in caring about someone. maybe one day you will need to care enough so that person can get through the day or their life.

  3. I find that there is no reason to care about what people think about you. Sombody can only express their feelings about you if they know every single detail about you. Nobody can ever get the full story about your life. With celebrities, the only thing that the people know about them is what the newspapers and magazines write about them.

  4. I think that social media greatly influences how we live. Many people are attached to things in media and they want to strive to fit in or be like it. The example set by the media makes everyone want to follow and it greatly effects how people live out their lives. They get worried about how different they might be from the media so people dont be their own person and express their true self.

  5. How does the media influence what we do or who we become?I think the media tells some people how to live they us we have to do this to stay skinny or you have to be skinny to be pretty.and sometimes people use television as an escape from reality

  6. How does the media ( television, internet, magazines ect...) influence what we do or who we become?
    Media ( television, internet, magazines ect...) influence what we do or who we become because we become so attached to media that we feel we have to be just like everyone on television, on the internet, or in magazines. We want to be like the example set by media because we look up to the people who are on media. Media influences us because we enjoy reading about or watching celebrities and we want to be just like them.

  7. How does media influence what we do or who we become? Media inspires us all because we look for new ways to express ourselves or our emotions. We all try to find some new colors go show how we are a a person and new things are always coming our way. Nothings wrong with trying new things or styles, why stay "boring" when you can create yourself in so many other ways. We can have fun expressing who we are and make ourselves more interesting.

  8. #1.... The media does affect many people more than you know, many think that what they see on TV is reality and they need to follow and do everything the people in the media are doing. However, eveything you see in he media is in fact not reality and can affect you in such negative ways,media is a bad influence on people like us.

  9. I feel as though the t.v magazines and other things that deal with being a celebrity influence everybodys thought process. It makes the younger kids want to become a rapper,sports player,musician,artist or whatever may interest them. The influences arent all good either like seeing celebrities getting locked up for drunk driving. So i feel that if all this stuff was eliminated than majarity of the people in this world would actually think for themselves instead of wanting to be someone else.

  10. Imani H.
    1. How does the media (television, internet, magazines etc...) influence what we do or who we become?
    Media effects us all, we can't go an hour without being flashed with advertisements, and music and television suggesting what is cool, how we are supposed to act and what we should aspire to have or be. This affects all of us especially teen and young adults who are still shaping the people we want to be. We except the values in the changing culture and learn to move with the masses just because it's human nature to want to feel excepted.

  11. 1. How does the media (television, internet, magazines, etc.) influence what we do or who we become?
    Sine we are surrounded by these things everyday we are nurtured into thinking and believing what were told from these sources. Everyday people are surrounded by social interaction, world events and news, also unimportant news about celebrities 24/7. All the important details of the world, and the less important become almost perfunctory to us which makes everyone susceptible to millions of opinions easily changing some minds and beliefs.

  12. 1... I think the the media influenced us because they make reality seem a lot different then it actually is. Some people try and be like these famous people because of what they see in the media. It also helps us be more creative and gives us an idea of what we want to be as well as being a negative influence.

  13. 2. Comparing creating art...
    This collaborative art assignment symbolizes our society today. We know only what someone told us. And we tell someone else the we understood it. After seeing the unfinished collage, you only know what u see from what the previous student left for you. But what you make out of that artwork and how you understand it is what will be passed on to the next person for them to know. It relates to gossip and paparazzi and rumors. All key factors is a celebrities life and everything you'll find in a magazine today.

  14. 3. I think that if someone doesnt know us or care about us wwe should still care about them. Unless that person did somethig really horrible to us then theres no reason for us to stop caring. I believe that we should care about everyone. Even if we dont know a person we should care about their feelings and realize that they are a person too. I think there is some value is caring about people regardless of if they know us or care about us in return. There's no harm at all in caring about another person, it can only help them.

  15. 2) I believe that the way we are doing this collaborative art project is exactly like the way we respond to media. Once a trend begins, that is what the next person continues with and the trend begins to spread. Even though there are always different interpretations of the original trend, the elements of the original trend are clearly represented. This is how media gets their products or concepts out their. They understand how trends spread and they take advantage of it.

  16. 1. In a way, media not only influences who we are/become but it is who we are. Everybody always wonders what to wear, how to act and we automatically seek answers in magazines, the internet, etc. We continuously copy what the media tells us. Not only do we look for help but media shows what the time period is like. What's in and what's not. Media is like a mirror, it shows us who we are, how we sound, and what we look like from the outside.

  17. 1. The media is influencial in the culture of humans beings because it is everywhere. It is in your home, in the usual places you go, and it is what you are as a person. All people are influenced by media, even in the smallest way possible. It is in you're home when you watch television, it is in the places you go everyday whether you are in a store with magazines full of news or just hearing bits of news where ever you are, and last the media affects how you live your life and how you see yourself. That means that what people are wearing, who they are dating, where they live, and what they are doing makes a difference to you in your life somehow.

  18. The media influences what we do and who we become. Celebrities are constantly in our faces wearing certain clothes and looking a certain way. Because they are everywhere ( the tv, magazines, etc) we feel the need to reflect them in what we do and wear. So because of being constantly surrounded by this, we are greatly influenced.

  19. 1. How dose the media (television, Internet, magazines etc..) influence what we do or who we become?
    I think that media television video games etc.. play a huge role in what we do or who we become. Now a days the movies and tv and video games give us a false hope of the real life. Not everyone can be a Kardashian or the next big thing but tv movies and etc can give us a false hope of becoming these people. We look at them as role-models and are taught to believe that we could be them but that's not entirely true. Not every one can be famous, but the people who are, are all that we need because if everyone was famous then no one would be special.

  20. question #3

    I find that there is value in caring about things and people who may not care about you and they may not even know you. I find value in this because even if someone doesn't care about you or even know you it honestly doesnt matter you should love and care about everyone around you because you never know if you're going to need there help in life.

  21. 1. Media influences us from the time we are first exposed to it and on. the way we a now brought up is to look at those in front of us, and follow their example. The problem is that the example is being set by 20 year old actors playing middle schoolers on T.V. and showing them that all dreams are possible. Kids are growing up too fast and adults are wasting time following people who don't even know they exist. We become what we watch, so therefore, we are becoming this sort of fake society, from fake hair to fake friends, to fake happiness.

  22. 1. It tells us what we can become, how to live right, what's right and whats not, tells us what's going on in the world, what good things to buy, tells us what's on sale, and that's my answer.

  23. 4. I find this art project very unique in many ways. The fact that my art went into someone else's hands for them to work on just makes me want to do this again, but in different ways! I think the emotions that I got from this project was sadness and a little pressure.. The collaborative activity with everyone went very well. I didn't really get a life lesson out of this preoject, but more like a message, everyone is alike in one way, and all together we are humans.

  24. 1. The media and television have a heavy influence on our lives and decisions. If you grow up in a place where a certain political view is evrywhere, then you will most likley grow up with that view. For example, Hitler grew up in a broken country. Throughout his childhood he took in everything around him to make his own view of the problem. This also happened to the people who decide to follow him. They saw his great enthusiasm and were put under the influence of the most direct view of their time. Sometimes we're influenced for good, and sometimes for bad.

  25. 3.
    Yes, I have had a lot of people giving up on me. Still to this day I will go to the moon and back for them. It hurts a lot but, if you really care about someone it wouldn't matter.

  26. 3.
    Yes, I care about a lot of people. A lot of people know I care about them and they care about me.

  27. How does the media (television, internet, magazines etc..) influence what we do or who we become?
    - The media tells us how to live. It tells us so much that we don't know. We are all attached to the media and we can't help it, and then soon enough we all become the media. Media is used daily, it takes over people's lives.

  28. 1. How does media (television, internet, magazine, etc....) influence what we do or who we become?
    I think it does. Alot of people have famous idols or even people they want to look like. When they see them all over television or magazines, it doesnt help. And many girls say they dont like how there are always skinny models, which doesnt help. So i think media does influence us. And who we "have to be" or "want to look like".

  29. 1. Media influences us in many ways. It influences what we wear, how we act, and in some cases our goals for our own lives. The "media" is whats popular it's what humans are constantly trying to mimic. People are constantly striving to dress like the people portrayed to be perfect, when in reality there is no achievement of perfection. It changes our styles and causes us to imitate the behavior of others.

  30. How does the media influence what we do or who we have become? The media in magazines, tv and other things like that make people act different. People follow trends that they see on tv and in magazines. They see thing famous people wheat or do and do the same things they do. The actions of celebrities are also repeated because they are appealing to them and everyone around them.

  31. 1. I believe the media influences what people become and who they are because of the constant pressure to be perfect. Many people think to be liked you have to look like a celebrity or follow the lastest trends or have the best friend group. In reality, do what YOU love to do. Be the person you are meant to be. Models in magazines and on the runway made me self-conscious and I ended up in the clutches of anorexia the entire year of 2011. I wanted to be perfect and beautiful and I wanted to be popular so I went to the extreme and starved myself. The media such as television, Internet, and magazines contribute to our lives. I say so because most people in our school probably are more concerned with Miley Cyrus ans her preposterous behaviors as of late rather than the issues going on in Syria. People should stop thinking they need to be perfect because in reality, no one is perfect. Not even the celebrities we look up to.

  32. 1. Media has a major effect on how we think and behave. While watching and seeing things on different news channels and different types of social media, we are trained to believe that there is an ideal way we should look or act. The need to become the ideal, or to become "perfect" drives us insane. We always need the best and we won't be satisfied until we get it, but shortly after recieving what we want we will immediately want something new. Media creates a type of competition among us and turns everything in to a contest to become the best.

  33. The media could infulence us in a good or a bad way. we all have idols and people who inspire us. As people we want to find happiness and wealth. The media is filled with stars who are famous for either a good or bad reason. What famous people do could influence others to do what they have. They are setting an example and they're fans may follow. The television could influence us in who we become. For example Jersey Shore, could influence us in living our lives and not caring what happens to us or what people think. Or we could be like Dr.Phil and want to help others and make lives better. The internet also could influence us in things we shouldn't be in. I think the media is a big part of our decision making process.

  34. 1. Media influences us in both good and bad ways. In magazines we are able to see what is in style and what is not. Based off that we buy clothing and other items to be able to be apart of the new trend. Media also affects us in a bad way. For girls, we strive to look like girls in the magazines and we are hard on ourselves. This happens to guys too. Media tries to tell us what we are "supposed" to look like and how were "supposed" to dress. This is the downside of media. In the end media has a both a bad influence and a good influence.

  35. The media is a huge influence in today's world. The media introduces trends in clothing, hair, and other styles. The media also can control how people feel about an issue, by either jazzing up or downplaying details to create propaganda. If people follow these views or trends throughout their whole lives, it can change them into something different from what they would have originally become.

  36. 1. media today effects everything we do because its how we learn everything that is popular. it tell us the latest fashion, recent events, what makes everyone themselves. internet is such a fast way of find different versions of information. we also want to become people or celebrities that aren't us because of how they look compared to us.

  37. 1. The media influences what we do or who we become because it surrounds our everyday life. Most people focus way too much on what celebrities do and how they live their lives. Everybody wants to be their favorite celebrity and want to act the same way and dress the same way. That plays a big part on how we become who we are and how they also influence us all.

  38. 1. The media is one of the biggest influences that we experience in our lives. Children and when we were younger would look up to cartoon characters, superheroes, celebrities, etc.. When a celebrity does an act out of rage and little children see what they wear, do, and say they will start to do it because their hero is doing it so it must be okay. We are so wrapped up in other people's lives who don't really care about us when we forget that their are people who do care about us fighting for our lives but there is no media for that. The times theses days have gotten so out of hand when a ten year old will have a mental break down because they got an android and not an iPhone. They should be outside playing and away from the technology that sucks us in dry.

  39. 1. The media is an ever-present entity. It finds its way into everything we do and is an inescapable force of influencing power. When you think about it, it has been around for ages: newspapers, gossip, all kinds of seemingly ancient forms of communicating news created the big media hubs we rely on today. For centuries humans have been controlled by both the truth and lies fed to us by the media, no matter how subtle it seems now. Large scale media shifts the human way of life because we so badly want to be in the know about what is happening in the world. But are we really? Are we really getting the news of the world, or are we just getting the news that the media wants us to want to see? See, it's not as clear to us when we think about it - REALLY think about it - because the media is designed so we don't question it. I'm not saying it's some kind of secret brainwashing conspiracy, but there has to be some kind of science to making people care so much about so little.

  40. Most people are influenced by the media through the latest fashion trends, newest dance moves, or the way celebrities are living their lives. It is very tempting to follow what the celebrities are wearing and doing but it is more important to stay true to yourself. The media can change you into something your not or doing something you may regret later. Remembering to not let the media influence you is vital to living a happier life. Just because the other kids at your school are wearing the "coolest" new outfit out there does not mean you need to wear it too to be "cool". Always be yourself, no matter what celebrities or the media are doing.

  41. The media greatly influences society. The media influences society's actions, and who we become. The media exposes society to these many celebrities, wearing the newest and hottest styles, and showing off their 18" waists. Because of this constant exposure to the lives of the rich and famous, we crave wearing those same high-end label clothes, and reflect their actions in what we do. Society becomes influenced by the media when surrounded with constant news and updates on those who live the lives we desire.

  42. 3. there is value in a sense of care towards objects and people that we do not know. If we do not have feelings for everything citizens live a self-centered life that revolves around the things that one feels is safe and secure. The values we give the unknown are what strive us to be something better than what we already are. If we fear the unknown we can become nothing more than what we already are.

  43. 3. Most people should care about each other. I care about everyone in this world and i know a lot of people care about me too.

  44. 1. How does the media (television, internet, magazines ect...) influence what we do or who we become?
    Depending on what we watch or read we take in what we are doing and sometimes imagine ourselves doing whatever we are looking at. Sometimes its a good thing we are imagining ourselves doing and other times it is not. We see all these things others are doing and we think we have to do the same thing to fit in and when one person doesn't do that, people tend to see them as outcasts. Then when the new popular thing shows up everyone feels that they have to do the same thing just because it is popular. What we see and hear affects every single person.

  45. How does the media (television, Internet, magazines etc...) influence what we do or who we become?
    You can't get away, its everywhere. Some people depend on the media and once you get attached, you change completely. It can influence personality, clothing and pretty much everything. Everyone thinks the people on tv or the internet have perfect lives, so they try to be like them.

  46. Is there any value in caring about things or people who don't know or care about you?

    I believe that people look up to celebrities even if they do not care about you because these celebrities are images of people that they want to become. Most people don't even realize that these celebrities also have problems and hard lives themselves. Some celebrities don't even want to be celebrities. There is a surfer named Dane Reynolds. He dropped out of the world tour because he didnt want all the fame and shine of a pro surfer. Instead companies like Vans sponsored him to travel the world because they were intrigued that the best surfer in the world just wanted to "do him". In the end caring about celebrities is in a way a waste of time. They love fans and you can definitely like what they do and enjoy their talents. However, there is no need to obsess over them. They don't like being obsessed over and some almost wish they weren't so famous

  47. 3. You should care about the people around you. including the people you feel who don't care about you. You never know when someone will need a shoulder to cry on.

  48. in response to question 3, i think it depends on the people that one could care about. its interesting to think about other peoples minds and how everyone thinks differently. other people that you dont know are important in the sense that the people around you reflect yourself, and you can find elements of yourself in everyone

  49. Is there any value in caring about things or people that don't care about you?

    There are billions of people in the world and every person knows a few thousand. There are plenty of people in the world that do not know who I am but secretly care about me. Whenever somebody dose something for the good of the nation or community, they are caring about me. Whenever I do something for my school I am caring about some people that I do not know. Doing a random act of kindness can go a long way. It may be difficult caring about a person that does not care about you, but if you are ever in need of help, you would want for them to care for you too

  50. Is there any value in caring about things or people who don't know or care about you?

    I feel like you should care about people even if they could care less about you. I care about people even if I don't like them.

  51. 1. the media affects us everyday. it's human nature to look at other people as models because we're dependent on each other to live. we now can see people and hear people's voices from all over the world on tv, on the Internet, on radios ect. The social media has opened people's eyes to a world they've never seen.

  52. media completely determines what we become because we are told how to act from a young age. i would love to see how kids would grow and mature if media didnt give usnguidlines to follow

  53. i think media completely makes up and describes who we are today. no matter where you are or where you go media is always somewhere around you. a lot of media now is all over and aiming for the newest,best,most popular trends. and we look up to them and wait for what they come out with. i think were kind of telling who we are already depending on who or what we look up too. media has and is still taking over more and more of the social world today.

  54. 1. The media can get us interested in things we might not have known about before. You could see something on tv you want to try and end up loving it. It could be a small hobby or it could be life changing.

  55. Media influences what we as ordinary civilians do and also become. There are many forms of influence in which we are changed by like television, Internet, magazines, etc. From people are dressed in the media to the way they act, influence is all around us. I believe we adapt to the media in order to feel socially acceptable and to fit in. Many people feel that if they don't change then they'll stick out and be different from other members of society. All of this constant change, without us even knowing, morphs us into a completely new person with false traits and appearances. I believe it takes a strong-willed person not to change and be their own person.

  56. media sets the cultural norms of society, as in what and how we should live. we aspire to be like the celebrities we hear whether they are good role models or not.

  57. How does the media influence what we do or who we become?

    Media plays a big part in everyone's lives. From what we watch to what we wear and to what we read. Media influences us in ways we don't even know.
    Half the time we don't even realize. What we see on tv and read in magazines we think we have to be that image.

  58. 1. How does the media (television, internet, magazines, etc...) influence what we do or who we become?

    When we see celebrities on television or in magazines, we notice how they appear to look: they are flawless, and their bodies are airbrushed and layer upon layer of makeup is caked onto their faces. We see these celebrities as the "model person." Everyone at some point in their lives wishes they were like the person on TV or in the magazine they are reading, because we all wish we were "perfect." We all try to imitate the celebrities we see as best we can, because we believe that it will make us more accepted by society. However, when these "perfect" people make mistakes, we end up forgetting that those celebrities are people too, and that we all make mistakes, no matter how popular or unknown we are to the world.

  59. How does the media influence what we do or become?
    The media has a big influence on our lives. A lot of people look up to certain movie stars and are aspired to be like them. People a lot of the time try to do the same thing as those movie stars. If they see those celebrities doing stuoid things they might think that doing those things would make them cool. It could lead to good or bad things. It could also lead to good things. If they see a star donating money or helping someone in need, people may also want to help. The media has a large influence on our lives.

  60. 1.) how does the media influence what we
    do or become?

    The media greatly influences what we do and subsequently, what we become. People take what they see and emulate it to try and fit in or stay up to date with what they think is cool or popular. Some people see celebrities and desire a life like that so bad that they feel that if they dress or act like that person, then somehow, they will become that person.

  61. 1. How does the media (television, internet, magazines etc...) influence what we do or who we become?

    The media is way bigger than we think and it influences our choices every day. We look up to celebrities as if they were family just because we like the things they do or the choices they make or even the clothes they wear. We're "blinded" by their opinions so much that sometimes we don't even have opinions of our own. They have so many people who follow in their footsteps so they get so much attention and thats attention that non celebrities crave. We as teenagers are always following the newest trends and listening to the newest music and starting to like all these new things and ideas that aren't the best influences on our everyday life. Sometimes the media that we look up to make us who we are, good or bad. It doesn't even stop there. Once we've become who we are due to the media we witness, we influence the children of younger generations that will eventually follow in our footsteps. We as teenagers are suppose to be role models, and television, magazines, internet and all the celebrities we look up to are what makes us who we are because were always surrounded by it, causing the generations younger than us to develop a new "normal". Media is only getting bigger and bigger and we're already hooked. All we have to do now is wait to see who we become.

  62. 3. Is there any value in caring about things or people who don't know or care about you?
    I don't think that this is necessarily a good thing, but It can be valuable to some people. Most people these days obsess over people who don't know they exist. This can become a problem in some cases, but overall, people are obsessed with these celebrities because they do something that makes them happy. And all that should matter is that person's happiness.

  63. is there any value in caring about things or people who dont know or care about you?_ i find it normal to care about things or people and it might not even being acknowledged - i guess that is just how it is. not being notice may also just be an accident of that person but i guess you will never really know

  64. 4. Describe any morals or life lessons that you can take from it.
    The life lessons in this art project were very simple life lessons. One of them being that you have to be patient with what you get. You wont always like it, that doesn't have to be a problem if you think about it in another perspective. Maybe the person isn't as creative as you but you have to be patient. All you have to do is put meaning into it even if its not going to be yours later. What you do affects the other persons ability to change or shape what you did into what they think looks good in their eyes. So put care into it because someone else is going to get it.

  65. How does the media(internet,television etc...) influence who we are and what we become? The media influences us greatly, the media defines for us what is "in" and what's not, and it also is something that a lot of people look up too, what's new, what's hot, etc.

  66. 4. I was interested in this project when I first heard about it, I had kind of a nervous excitement. The first piece I worked on I loved, but was willing to give up, which was perfect, I couldn't wait to see what others would do to it.
    Eventually though I saw it again and the other people had only accented my work, the parts I had added were still most prominent, and I basically regretted everything and wanted it to be mine again because it would just look like my work was theirs (Not that I didn't like what they did with the rest, otherwise I wouldn't care. And I suppose I made it too difficult to add a lot more?). So far the one I get to keep is very difficult to change into something I want to call mine.
    I need to get over that though, I need to learn how to give up things and accept the hard work that might come with that.
    Things in life will come and go, "Life isn't fair", and I need to get used to it.

  67. 1.) I think media influences us because people believe things they read or see. Media also makes people "want" but in reality you have to work for what you want. Media provides information and knowledge to help people make better choices. The way people dress is influenced by the media.

  68. How does the media influence what we do or who we become?

    Media plays a big part in our generation today. Teenagers seem to look up to these celebrities, because we like the way they dress, the way they act, their publicity, or the way they look. Sometimes it's a good thing to look up to how these people act, but sometimes we look up to celebrities that might not always make the right choices. If we get influenced by these sorts of people, we might want to become like them, even if they are not not always be making the right choices.

  69. 1. The media makes us strive to become a person we are not. We buy the same clothes as everyone else to have the new fashion trends. We hide who we are because we are scared to be different from what is normal. Media tries to take over our lives and determine what is right and wrong. We all try and fit into the world, and the media tells us how to do it.

  70. The Media has a profound influence on the way millions of individuals live their lives. The latest celebrities are the basis for many trends and fashions by which the general population follow. Since the beginning, humans have always needed a force to look up to, or adore. This is why the British royal family is still, to this day, idolized by the public. The media itself has a way of molding many people's opinions into one general one - which is why it was used during wars to convince the public of the certain newspapers opinion. In todays society, entire hordes of people follow the celebrities. They read tabloids (which often are lies), have the latest fashion trends (of the people they look up to), and hide their true selves under layers of makeup and fake personality. It is a way to survive and be accepted into society this society; in its own way. No one wants to be different, for if they are, they could be looked down upon and judged by the public.

  71. 1) The media influences us in many different ways. It shows us what we should look like, what we should wear, and what we should be doing. In magazines or commercials you always see ads of people with perfectly clear faces and they say "use this to make your face look as clear as mine". There are always pictures of people in ads with nice clothes trying to get you to go out and buy some clothes like that. The media does many things to people. It is the reason why people judge other people. Some people see tv commercials and go out and buy some clothes. If other people at school dont have clothes that nice, they usually get judged. The media is turning our people into an evil society. A society full of judgemental people.

  72. 1. The media influences everyone from adolecents to adults in many different ways. The magazines, the shows, movies and books all influence us. They tell us what to wear because its 'in style' and how to act because its 'cool'. My generation is influenced greatly by the media,especially now because of Twitter and other social media sites because we can ALWAYS see what our favorite celebrities are wearing, what they're thinking and how they are acting. We can see almost entirely into most celebrity's personal lives. So then, we can act and mimic them to fit into what we believe is expected of us. So, in conclusion, the media influences almost every aspect of our lives. From what we wear to how we act and speak, we are affected by the media.

  73. 1.) I think the media influences people in may ways. Most commonly it makes people feel as though others need to think something is cool before they can like it. Or it has people, especially teenagers, feel like they need to look and act certain way instead of just being themselves. When our favorite celebrities like something people feel as though they need to like it as well.
